Saturday, 14 February 2009

Random Musings - Day #45: Relationships and Football

Well recently, two Premiership managers got sacked. Also of note a couple of my friends split up, which begs the question is there a parallel between relationships and football. I think there is.
You are a singleton looking to impress the opposite sex (well same sex if you are that inclined). When you get into relationship. The first few days, weeks or even months are all luvvy dubby. Same thing with a new football management. Often the new manager is bigged up by the board of directors as the saviour. Usually, there is a feel good factor. Players are trying to impress the new manager. A match made in heaven for about 3 months. Then the relationship goes stale as players figure out their role at the club under the manager. The manager's team tactics are sussed by opponents. Just like a relationship between two lovers, they start to figure out their pros and flaws. They need some injection into their relationship. They spend more on each other. Likewise the football manager tries to splash the cash on new players to bring about some injection into the club. When the results start to go bad or there are disagreements about the board, such as the board going behind the manager's back in selling players, the end of relationship is night. Just like two lovers who hit bad times, argue and go behind each other's back.
You see the similarity? I rest my salami!

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