Wednesday, 11 February 2009

Random Musings - Day #42

Nappy Factor
The stats look good for Tiger Woods winning the US Open due to the Nappy Factor. Previous winners, Phil Mickelson (2002), Zach Johnson (2007) and Trevor Immelman (2008) won just after having a baby boy.

I just had an omelette. Curiously I didn't make it in the style of Delia Smith. There was a time when health experts said eggs were good for you. A good source of protein. However for many years since then, eggs have been considered to be bad in that they are high in cholesterol, particular the yolk. But now it looks like it is good for you after all as it does not raise cholesterol.
Here's more nutrition details.

Here's the UK Running Directory of all the outdoor tracks in the UK. Talking of running. I recently bought two pairs of shoes from a local stores and I've broke BOTH of them in less than a month. Shows you, you can't beat a certain of degree of quality and that I've not learned from hostel mistake in Dublin, last December, where I booked the hostel from hell.

Well I was overhearing someone watching Mary Poppins and there's one scene that reminds me of the credit crunch. That's when the boy goes to the bank with his banker dad. When the boy doesn't want to give his tupence to the bank, the manager snatches the tupence from him and welcomes him to the bank. The boy screams "Give me back my money" and then everyone else in the bank demanded their money back. Sounds like our banks today. Heh.
In Shaun of the dead, there's one scene with John, the owner of the Winchester becomes a zombie and attacks Shaun and co. He looks suspiciously like John McCririck.

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