Wednesday, 4 February 2009

Random Musings - Day #35

Christian Bale
Well, Christian Bale has shown his more aggressive side when he had massive rant at a stagehand who walked through a scene whilst filming. He really turned the air blue for 12 minutes. The audio is floating about on the Internet and there is already a remix called "Bale out" by RevoLucian.

Miracle Berries
The berry of the miracle plant is the most weirdest fruit as it turns the taste of something sour into something sweet and visa versa. Apparently it turns the taste of Guinness into chocolate, limes into sherbet lemons. It is a big hit in New York and Tokyo. They are not cheap though, 6 pounds for 2g. You can see more at

No Pigeons
Here's the weird story of a guy trying to smuggle pigeons into Australia from Dubai.

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