Wednesday, 21 January 2009

Random Musings - Day #21

I'm in Liverpool, great! I'm sitting on the docks of the bay. The docks are surprisingly lovely. It is amazing how being the European Capital of Culture for 2008 changes a city. In case you are wondering, 2009 belongs to Vilnius.

Some might say I lack charisma, so like me, why don't you check out charisma masterclass.
Bah actually, my saying is "Form is temporal, class is forever"

Must check out and find out about people who love to shorten their surname to a letter and see if there is connection between that and their personality. e.g. Lisa B, Emma B, Eric B, Stevie B, Stevie G, Mel B/G, Mel C, Ya Kid K, Baby D, Dimples D, Derek B...

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