Tuesday, 26 March 2019

Wooshy Watch Week #5: (Mar 18-24)

Good news is ran 4 times this week including a nice an hour up and down the beach on Hayling Island on Sunday. Bad news is starting to crave meat, particularly chicken as went Nando's, oh dear!

Monday, 18 March 2019

Interesting musical references

  • Boy George references in Season 2, Episode 4 of the Dynasty reboot
  • Question about receding hairlines on Will Young, Gareth Gates and Joe McElderry on the Chase
  • Mary Berry drumming with Rick Astley

Mary Berry making me fat!

Mary Berry has her Quick Cooking show and last week the mrs got so excited that she made Romano pepper and herb penne the next day and it was so lovely that I gobbled what was probably supposed to be leftovers for the next day! Implicitly Mary Berry is going to make me fat! Especially with this week's episode had her at the bestival festival. Anyhow her and Rick Astley would make a great double act.

Mashup of Hits

I made a note of a mashup youtube video of 2009 from DJ Earworm and consequently has put together a mashup every year since.

Struggling with 90s Music on Popmaster

This goes back to last week when I was listening to Ken Bruce's Popmaster, episodes of which can be found from the popmaster microsite. I thought 90s was my forte but I forgot the OMD had a few hits such as "Sailing on the seas" and "Pandora's Box" in the 90s and I barely remember Embrace let alone songs like "come back to what you know", "my weakness is none of your business" and "all you good good people".

Stomach Exercises

Looking to get a flatter stomach? Interesting that searching for "flat stomach exercises", there is one from Women's Health , Men's Health and even the NHS has one too.

The men's health exercises appear to be the most challenging and haven't done a lot of those. At the moment, I have been doing sit-up/crunches, press-ups, planks and upward back bend stretches.

Wooshy Watch Week #4: (Mar 11-17)

Only managed to run once on Monday in the end, mostly due the windy weather all week and it's little surprising that my weight has not moved to much as follows (in Kg): https://www.blogger.com/blogger.g?blogID=8826346691505606744#allposts

Wednesday, 13 March 2019

Wooshy Watch Week #3: (Mar 4-Mar 10)

My weight appears to have reach a plateau. Been around 69kg. I had a couple of meals out with family visiting and a good mechanic friend but jogged 7 miles three times and exercised as usual, so feel shouldn't have plateaued just yet.

Monday, 4 March 2019

Wooshy Watch Week #2: (Feb 25-Mar 3)

Up and down week last week. Two 6.5 mile runs on Tuesday and Thursday but I had a niggle on the left side of my hip, so have to take it easy. Whilst I am no Andy Murray, I certainly wouldn't want what his hip has suffered the last couple of years.

I managed to get my weight down as low as 67.5kg early last week but have been yo-yo between 68kg and 70kg. Only real bad thing I had last week was KFC.

Monday, 25 February 2019

Wooshy Watch Week #1: (Feb 17-24)

So having just come back from holiday celebrating Chinese New Year and as it is now the Year of the Pig, I ate just like a... Although initially I did get a food poisoning on the flight there (that's another story for another time). I started taking 10k steps per day but I still managed to gain 2kg (72kg).

So during the first week back, I reverted back to the high veg and oat diet that I have been imposing myself to reduce my cholesterol levels. I have to admit that went Wong Kei in Chinatown where I love my won ton soup and the wife cooking experiments ventured into roast duck.

I have also been exercising, which has been mostly running and have run 10k on Wednesday (20th) and Friday (22nd) with another 5 miles on Sunday. The Sunday run was important because I didn't eat much the night before and I didn't eat before the run as wanted to see how far/long I could run effectively on fumes. The answer here is 4 to 5 miles, which something my brain and body will remember if I ever decide to run a marathon again.

Generally I have been running to get at my body fat and it appeared to be working as after the Sunday run, I was down to 67.5Kg. But remember that weight is a little bit of a red herring as I would have lost weight in sweating. In fact apparently, you only lose one pound of body fat running a marathon according to livestrong (burning 1000 calories per hour).

Health Goals

Summary of self goals to improve my health/well-being:
  • 10000 steps per day
  • 200 sit-ups per day
  • Run at least 3 times per week
  • 30g of fibre every day
  • Limited intake of sugar/bad fat
Milestones from those goals include:
  • Weight between 10.5st (66.6kg) to 11st (70kg). BMI: 22-23.
  • Lower total cholesterol level to less than 5mmol/L. HDL to less than 3mmol/L

Returnth (again)

Another 4 years, 8 months and 24 days goes by but this time I'm back.