Wednesday, 9 September 2009

Random Musings - Day #252

Today was 9/9/9 and thankfully that day passed through near enough quietly.

Twitter RANT
Decided to just use twitter as following tool. Maybe I am not using it right but I think it's useless if you want to talk to someone new, really... You can't direct message unless they are following you. How the hell are you supposed to get a message across @someone and everyone potentially could see your tweet. No thanks. RANT OVER.

BTW my twitter is Shy 90, which I am now only tweeting useless 90s facts.

Internet Radio
A couple more internet radio stations to look out for. Some DJs that I know of are at Rockin Radio. Also found fallen sword via twitter.

Java certify me
Sun is telling me to upgrade my Java Certification.

More one-liners
This one was done on-the-fly. Figure out what the awk does?

cat all-result.txt | grep | grep HIGH | grep 'MS0' | awk '{where=match($0,"MS0?-???"); print substr($0,where,8)}'

Turns out it was easier to replace an enhanced grep...
grep -o "MS[0-9+]-[0-9]*."

As shown in the modified one-liner...

cat all-result.txt | grep | grep HIGH | grep 'MS0' | grep -o "MS0[0-9]-[0-9]*." | sort | uniq

To read a argument from shell... "READ IPS"

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