Friday, 4 September 2009

Random Musings - Day #247

The Security Accounts Manager (SAM) can be stored in LANMAN hash and/or NTLM. LANMAN makes passwords brute-force attacks easy if the SAM is retrieved.

There is a registry setting to look for under "HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\LSA", there is a key "LMCompatibilityLevel" which has acceptable range of 0-5. 0 is usually default, which means all hashing is acceptable. You should really set it to 4 or 5. Microsoft discuss this on their support site

More useful links include: arp-scan, introduction to steganograhpy, XSS in the Cisco Ironport and how to look up reverse zones for ip addresses in DNS.

The well known SMB vulnerability ms09-001 does have POC exploits but they only crash the concerned system best demonstrated by 4xunderground.

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