Tuesday, 17 March 2009

Random Musings - Day #76

It's day 76, so it's time to mention the NBA team called the 76ers from Philadelphia.

Read a little more into Lent. In some quarters, lent is not on consecutive days. The Sundays during Lent are considered as mini-Easter. Well that means I could eat my chips (I've given that up for lent, don't ask why;) on Sundays. I think that defeats the purpose of Lent.

There are 4 bank holidays coming real soon. Two for Easter and Two in May.

Extracurricular Activities
You've heard the term, "Never mix business with pleasure". Well a couple of interesting stories have cropped up. A Ryanair pilot found out that one of the air stewardess, Edita Schindlerova was actually a porn star off hours.
Interesting that a Ryanair spokesman said "What people do before or after they work for us is their business." Contrast, this to a female director who is suing a city fund manager for a half million for sacking her after she declined to date him.

Sonicwall can meet the Government criteria in the products.

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