Wednesday, 11 March 2009

Random Musings - Day #70

It's interesting that 322 names have been wiped off the Forbes' list of billionaires. Furthermore, the ones at the top of the list have seen their fortunes shrink. It begs question where has all the money gone? Someone somewhere must be making a profit. There's a probably a conspiracy theory about that like the Russians have it.

The quarter finals of the Champions League will consist 4 English, 2 Spanish, 1 German and 1 Portuguese. Also I explained to a good friend of mine that 7th place in Premiership will be a UEFA cup place unless Hull somehow make the FA Cup final. Good news as West Ham are currently 7th...

Pet Products
There are a number of online pet stores. Unlike online pharmacies, they don't spam you! I've used vetuk before. But I've been told that petmeds is better.

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