Saturday, 30 December 2023

12 mixtapes of Xmas: All Time Mixtape

[12] All Time Mixtape

This is the playlist that features artists with the most appearances on the midnight mixtape.

All Time Mixtape

[Side 1]
1.  Queen - Bohemian Rhapsody
2.  Beatles - I am the walrus
3.  Paul Simon (inc 8 with Simon & Garfunkel)? - Mrs Robinson
4.  Prince - Purple Rain
5.  Kate Bush (inc 2 with Peter Gabriel) - Running up that hill
6.  Bob Marley - Three Little Birds
[Side 2]
7.  Johnny Cash - Hurt
8.  Nick Cave & Kylie - Where the wild roses grow
9.  Bob Dylan - Like a rolling stone
10. Radiohead - Fake Plastic Trees
11. Pink Floyd - Another brick in the wall
12. Marvin Gaye - What's going on?
Hidden: Pixies - Where is my mind?

All Time Mixtape stats

15  Queen
14  Beatles
13  Paul Simon (inc 8 with Simon & Garfunkel)?
12  Prince
12  Kate Bush (inc 2 with Peter Gabriel)
11  Bob Marley
11  Johnny Cash (inc 1 with June Carter)
11  Nick Cave (inc 2 with Kylie & 1 with PJ Harvey)
10  Bob Dylan
10  Radiohead
 9  Pink Floyd
 9  Marvin Gaye
 8  Pixies
 8  Oasis
 8  Nina Simone
 8  Doors
 8  David Bowie
 8  Blur
Note: Of the 14 tracks, Beatles, "I'm the walrus" is the only track that has appeared multiple times (i.e. 13 different tracks)

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