Wednesday, 26 August 2009

Random Musings - Day #238

I watching skins tonight and heard the old bronski beat song, "Small town boy". The acoustic version played is by Andre Herman Dune. I think it's an adequate cover but I don't think you can go wrong with the song. If I sung it, it probably sound good too...

Songs on my mind,
Corporation of One's original version of "The Real Life".
The mashup of "You rock my world" and "Rock your body".
The space cowboy mix of discostick song by Lady Gaga.
The Legend of Zelda sounds of Unicorn Kid with "Wee monster".

Fancy ways to...
Remove last character from a string and merge lines. This led to the following one-liner!

grep "" auth-sel-1.txt | grep "MS0" - | awk '{print $2}' | uniq | sort | rev | cut -b 2- - | rev

grep "" auth-sel-1.txt | grep "MS0" - | awk '{print $2}' | uniq | sort | sed 's/:/,/g' - | tr -d '\n'

Scuba is evidently not only used diving but for Oracle databases

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