Wednesday, 1 July 2009

Random Musings - Day #182

Canada Day
Today is Canada's Independence day or Dominion Day. Canada is 142 years old. Meanwhile it's arguable Hong Kong Day too as the handover to China took place on this day in 1997.

Essential items over inflation rate
There are so many ways to interpret economy indicators. To me, food and energy costs have been going up. These factors may or may not be included in these indicators as a consequence, you get a slight misdemeanor where general inflation is low compared to the inflation of essential items (e.g. food has gone up 9%). Those that require essential items are the not well-off and they are struggling.

Veggies beat cancer
The claim that vegetables avoid more cancers may be taken with a pinch of salt. But you can decide for yourself.

Gagging and unmasking
People in the know being gagged is not a new thing and case in point as a researcher is barred from presenting a
ATM Security Vulnerability.
According to some security experts shoulder surfing is not a problem as they state masked passwords should just disappear.

Nothing beats a swine flu party
People are actually trying to catch the killer flu deliberately, thinking the effect is not as bad in the summer as it would be in the winter. So why not have a party

Celebrity Deaths
Ever since Michael Jackson died, aside from the numerous jokes. A number of fake deaths have occurred. Jeff Goldblum, Natalie Portman, George Clooney, Britney Spears, Harrison Ford and even Rick Astley have suffered from the hoax. The hoaxes are apparently originating from twitter and used for link baiting, which forces users interested celeb deaths to visit advertisers site to increase traffic and per click revenue.
Talking of death matches how about the iphone -vs- pre death match.

How to Hack
Here's how to become a hacker

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